A Few Easy Ways To Earn Extra Money From Home Online

With the state of the economy these days along with the sky high price of Gas, groceries and other necessities of life, many people are finding that their money isn’t making it as far as it once did. So it’s not surprising that many people are turning to the Internet to earn extra money from home. With the Winter season, many people are worrying about how they will pay their Winter heating bill. Some have already been surprised by unexpected large energy bills. This leaves some families scrambling to find ways to make money fast in order to prevent something from going unpaid.
Here are quick and easy ways to earn extra money from home. Will you get rich? No. But you just might bring in a few hundred dollars a month and maybe keep your lights on this Winter!
Project Payday
If you can use a computer to surf the Internet, chances are good that you can use Project Payday to earn extra money from home on the Internet. It doesn’t require a lot of technical knowledge and it's pretty darn quick and easy to use.
Project Payday is free to join and they have loads of free training Video's to help you get started. Plus they also have a mentoring program where you’ll get hands on tutoring if you need it. I'd highly suggest you watch the video's and even consider the mentoring program to maximize your potential income opportunities. You can expect to get offers in the $15 to $30 range. I've seen some as high as $50 though, but those are rare. Most people can do several offers a day once they get the hang of it and get their routine down and become familiar with how the system works.
No article about earning extra money from home would be complete without mention of eBay. While it's not as good as it once was for the person looking to make money fast on the Internet, it still allows many people to stay home and make a darn good income from selling goods online.
You can find goods to sell on eBay on Craigslist, Garage Sales, Big Box stores like Sam’s and Costco and in your own home. I bet most of us have stuff we haven't used in months that could be auctioned off on eBay to make a quick dollar or two.
Time was once where you could go out and hit Garage sales and Estate auctions and bring the stuff back to your home, list it on eBay and make some good money. You can still do that, but the money isn’t as good as it once was because of the higher listing fees and many of the commercial companies drowning out the smaller individual auctions.
A way some people have started taking advantage of these changes at eBay is to start their own stores. ProStores is an eBay company that offers several packages that make it easy to get up and running with your very own ecommerce store to start earning extra money from home. This is a great way to get started without having to know a lot about web programming and using a lot of different programs.
Freelance Yourself
There are any number of places on the Internet where you can go and sign up as a freelance writer and earning extra money from home. Many people do not realize that there is a great demand for Writers due to the need for Content on the Internet. I myself buy a lot of articles written by several of these services. Businesses, Internet Marketers and mainstream sites like About.com all use freelance writers. The best part is, you don’t have to be an expert writer in most cases to earn extra money from home.
One of these services, Freelance Home Writers, is a membership site that you join to access databases of companies looking for writers. You then pick and choose which writing jobs you want and just pass over the ones you don’t want. Typically you'll be writing Blog post and Content articles for Websites. However you can get the chance to write fiction and non-fiction story’s as well. They also have several other opportunities for you to make money on the Internet. That’s pretty good money for people who can turn out a few articles per day. Currently they're running a $2.97 for a 7 day trial. This is cheap enough to get in and see the writing opportunities they have as well as the other programs to make money at home.
Read Emails | Take Online Surveys | Product Evaluation
There are companies that receive thousands of emails every day that need to be read. Obviously the CEO or other employees can’t spend every day reading emails, so they outsource this.
There are several companies where they outsource this type of work as well as other tedious, time consuming chores such as product testing and evaluation, online surveys, online mystery shopping and others. Send Earnings is one such company that other companies outsource to. Consumers such as you sign up and are normally paid on a per assignment completed basis. The pay varies by what type of assignment you choose. You choose how you want to earn extra money from home.
I love Craigslist! Mostly for the cool stuff I buy off of it in my local area. But Craigslist can also be a Goldmine to earning extra money from home if you’ll put the time into it. I call the method I use to make money from Craigslist “Craigslist Arbitrage” because this is how it works.
I scan the Free section of Craigslist looking for valuable things people are giving away. If you live near a large Metro area, you’ll simply be amazed at what others will give away just to get rid of it. You need to be quick, because others are doing the same thing you are! Once you pick up your Freebies, turn around and put them back on Craigslist for sale at a below market price. Chances are they’ll go quick and you’ll have made some quick cash.
I first learned of this when we were moving and I was trying to score free moving boxes. I was constantly amazed at how quick they would go until someone told me people do nothing more than drive around grabbing up free boxes and turning around and selling them for $1 or more per box. The same goes for Furniture, electronics and other items. You need to be sitting at your computer refreshing the FREE page often. You can also find great deals in other areas of Craigslist so don't just spend all your time in the FREE section.
Sell Ebooks
Do you have a particular skill or knowledge? Maybe Award winning recipes? Special technique for training dogs? Then write an ebook. Don’t care or don’t think you have the skills to write an ebook? Then find a freelancer at one of the places mentioned above. Don’t think your idea will sell? You’d be surprised! I’ve heard of one gentleman who earns extra money from home and does quite well ($500+ per month) selling an ebook on raising Tomatoes. Nuff said!
But if none of these thrill you, then there are places like ClickBank where you can become an affiliate and sell ebooks, software and other products. Some of these can be rebranded for yourself. If you find some that have Master Resell Rights, you can sell them on eBay, Craigslist or set up a PayPal order page and advertise your products. (if you sell them on ebay, they have to be in a digital form. Ebay does not allow electronic downloads any longer) There are hundreds of ways to drive traffic to your sales page so don’t get stuck in a rut! Get yourself a network of sites specific to each product and promote the crap out of it to bring in some quick money.
There you have it, a few ways to earn extra money from home. They’re quick and easy ways to earn extra money from home online plus you don’t have to be highly skilled or put up a lot of money. What more could a person want in work at home business?
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