general news

Stair Safety Guidelines That Can Save You and Your Loved Ones

Every year many people slip or trip and fall on stairs needlessly. Many are seriously injured and even die, or if nothing else are banged up. Recently a friend of mine slipped and fell down a staircase momentarily losing consciousness. Despite being in… Continue reading

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Firecracker Prayer

The firecracker was solidly inserted into the peach. Tom prepared to light it. Hold still!, he barked. I gripped the peach more firmly, planted my feet a bit wider for balance and said, Light it right on the tip. It might go off in my hand! It was a Bi… Continue reading

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Vertical Wind Generator For The Home – Three Main Reasons

Anyone who lives in a city needs to be thinking about a vertical wind turbine for the home as a way to cut energy costs. Being that city dwellers have an abundance of “roof real estate”, a vertical turbine that doesn’t take up much space may be the ide… Continue reading

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Hybrid Wind And Solar Systems Are The Future Of Renewable Energy At Home

Setting up energy production from renewable resources is easily doable by anyone comfortable with their do-it-yourself skills around the house. The combination of wind and solar for these purposes is an emerging trend in renewable energy. All individua… Continue reading

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Family and Friendship

Family ties and friendship is based on respect, trust, loyalty and the ability to accept someone for who they are; no matter what. Loyalty is about helping your friends and families achieve their dreams, keeping their confidences and helping to conquer… Continue reading

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